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Ian Farquhar, i2i Product Solutions Consultant


Value-based care is increasingly becoming the norm across today’s healthcare landscape. Community health centers are exploring ways that advanced analytics tools can provide further insight on improving performance and driving best-practice opportunities. Analytics is a major component used to drive decision-making and quality improvement across the enterprise. However, not all analytics tools are created equally. There are a multitude of  “off the shelf” analytics tools that are fairly inexpensive  to purchase, but high-cost to deploy.  Then, there are specialized/advance analytic tools designed specifically for the Community Health Center segment.

Advantages of Specialized/Advanced Analytics Tools:

  • Backend Architecture and Integration Enhanced framework to support configurability, usability, and ease of integration from disparate data sources (EHR, PM, HIE, Claims, Payor Gaps in Care, etc.)
  • Data Integrity and Stewardship – Ongoing validation to ensure mappings are accurate, measures are accurate, and daily jobs are always running for constant data flows
  • Dashboards and Visualizations – Advance analytics engine that allows for interactive and flexible data views that can be tailored to specific audiences (committees, providers, leaderships)
  • Quality Measure Library – Extensive library of quality programs and measures that are consistently updated

Choosing a specialized/advanced analytics solution can pay major dividends for organizations. Rather than starting from “scratch”, specialized solutions offer significant base functionality, not the least of which is the ability for organizations to benchmark. The ability to visualize data using scorecards and dashboards – and benchmarking these measures across clinics, providers and the state –  health centers have the opportunity to identify and share best practices to improve overall practice performance.

Benchmarking goes beyond just looking internally, an advance analytics tool should be able to bring in external public health data too,  for example, national HRSA UDS data. Health centers are able to see their performances as compared  to national, state, city, or even neighboring health centers’ UDS data. Having a tool that takes into account comprehensive data for analytics improves quality, efficiency and overall patient experiences.

At i2i, we believe that a deep understanding of our customer’s environment, needs, concerns, and aspirations is foundational to everything we do. We look forward to continuing our collaboration on specialized/advanced analytics tools, which will not only help launch important new solutions and features but, more importantly, will inspire innovation to improve our impact on population health management.

View our Lunch-and-Learn webinar Improve Quality Measures with Analytics Tools hosted by the Illinois Primary Health Care Association. We hope you find the key themes presented by Ian Farquhar, i2i Product Solutions Consultant, compelling.


Contact us through info@i2ipophealth.com if your organization is interested in learning more about i2i Population Health and for more details on an effective strategy for improving quality measures with specialized/advance analytics tools.

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Categories: BlogPublished On: October 31, 2022